Aint no way 247m kill with an AR
If you hate gunfights, go to random housing areas (those rural areas with 4 or less houses, they have only 0 to 1 player there. As of the date above, the Martial Showdown mode is live, and that allows you to recall teammates easily, just run to a designated recall point on the map, and you can recall your teammates is they have died but have not left the game in less than 5 seconds.
Its the AKM but sure
Aint no way 247m kill with an AR
Ranked is easy as long as you follow these simple rules.
If you want constant wins, join a game. if there's more than 2 people having 50 RP level (RP 50), just leave. The report system is half-broken, so the chances you get suspended is slim.
Second, you can use the "Recruit" system to find better teammates to play with. luckiest time to find one is during the afternoon, just after the average lunch time (12:00pm – 1:00pm) My luckiest is when I caught a VI RP 50 user (basically got RP 50 and RP Elite 6 times or more in a row, a lot of money huh) AND HE GOT 35 KILLS.
Lastly, Play smart. When you feel spotted, or when you just shot your AMR, just run. run tree by tree or rock by rock, as that will minimize your chance of being pelted to death (shot).
Message me here: thedominicalex#2650 if you wanna play with me to rank up or whatever, or if you need more info on how to win.