PUBG Mobile Wiki

"A great bolt action sniper rifle that fires 7.62mm rounds. Second only to the AWM and can eliminate Lv. 2 headgear with one shot. Relies heavily on scopes and skills."

M24 is an American Bolt Action Rifle available on PUBG Mobile. The most powerful sniper rifle found on the ground, since AWM is found only in airdrops.


It has second lon-est range in ag all other guns in PUBG Mobile, first being AWM. M24 is often termed as an upgraded Kar98K, sice it is similar to Kar98K with increased damage, range. It has a very quick reload time, compared to other bolt action rifles.


M24 has four attachments: Sight, Muzzle, Mag, Stock.side sight


  • Icon attach red dot sight Red Dot Sight
  • Icon attach holo sight Holographic Sight
  • Icon attach 2x scope 2X Scope
  • Icon attach 3x scope 3X Scope
  • Icon attach 4x scope 4X Scope
  • Icon attach 6x scope 6X Scope
  • Icon attach 8X scope 8X Scope


  • Compensator (Snipers) Compensator (Snipers)
  • Flash Hider (Snipers) Flash Hider (Snipers)
  • Supressor (Snipers) Suppressor (Snipers)


  • Quickdraw Mag (Snipers) Quickdraw Mag (Snipers)
  • Extended Mag (Snipers) Extended Mag (Snipers)
  • Extended Quickdraw Mag (Snipers) Extended Quickdraw Mag (Snipers)


  • Icon Cheek Pad Cheek Pad


  • The Ace Tier logo has a M24 in its background. In the logo, M24 is also equipped with an 8X Scope.