PUBG Mobile Wiki

Metro Royale is a game mode added into PUBG Mobile in Version 1.4.88 patch


The aim is to loot areas and head to the return point to get back safely with all you have gotten. You can sell anything other than the Undercover Agent ID. It is recommended to not sell any ammo, weapons or gear, as they will be useful if you die (you can sell things that are useless).

Special items[]

Special items are items that aren't in Classic Mode.

They feature:

  • Level 4-6 Armor and Backpack
  • Monsters, bosses, strong bots
  • Different levels of weapons and ammunition (Damaged, Improved, One-Eyed Cobra, etc)
  • Special scopes (thermal sight, night vision)
  • Grenade launcher on AR
  • Evacuation Helicopter


Metro Royale will shortly be taken off and remodeled to be rereleased at a later version pdate, as was shown in the teaser released by PUBG.

PS: don't quit the game on the 3rd and 4th map, or else you will not only lose loot but also backpack, helmet and vest, as well as weapons and attachments

Zombie Mode

In version 3.3.0 a special event Zombie mode was added





New mechanics, blueprints, fog port advanced mode

