"A pistol that fires 9mm and has a full auto mode. Doesn't deal a lot of damage to armored enemies, though. "
― In game description.
Overview [ ]
P18C is the best pistol but has the weakest damage. As backup is the best choice also used as secondary or even primary. This pistol can rivalize with SMGs . (This is based on g18c)
P18C has 3 attachment slots: muzzle, magazine and sight.
Magazines [ ]
Extended Mag (Pistol)
Quickdraw Mag (Pistol)
Extended Quickdraw Mag (Pistol)
Muzzle [ ]
Suppressor (Pistol)
Sights [ ]
Red Dot Sight
Expanded Stats [ ]
Hit damage = 23
Initial bullet speed = 375 m/s
Body hit impact power = 7.000
Zero range = 50-50
Time between shots = 0.06s
Firing modes = Single,Auto
Method = Magazine
Duration (Full) = 2.00s
Duration (Tactical) = 1.700s
Rarity = uncommon
Base = 3.50
Aiming modifier = 0.35
ADS modifier = 0.08
Firing base = 12
Crouch modifier = 0.50
Prone modifier = 0.20
Walk modifier = 2.00
Run modifier = 5.00
Jump modifier = 15.00
Base = 2.50
Base (Aim) = 1.50
Base (ADS) = 0.03
Recoil gain = 0.80
Recoil gain (Aim) = 0.33
Recoil gain (ADS) = 0.03
Max limit = 4.00
Move modifier limit = 0-0.15
Move velocity reference = 160-480
Crouch modifier = 0.80
Prone modifier = 0.60
Vertical clamp = 0-5.00
Vertical speed = 15.00
Vertical recovery max = 8.00
Vertical recovery modifier = 5.00
Horizontal speed = 12.00
Horizontal tendency = 0.00
Left max = -0.32
Right max = 0.355
Speed = 24.00
Recovery speed = 5.00
Pattern scale = 1.00
Value climb = 1.00
Value fall = 2.50
Crouch modifier = 0.80
Prone modifier = 0.70
Pitch = 2.00
Yaw offset = 15.00
Movement modifier = 1.50
Crouch modifier = 0.50
Prone modifier = 0.20
Camera DOF
Range = 30.00
Near range = 60.00
Power = 1.50
Pickup delay = 150 ms
Ready delay = 500 ms
Ammo type = 9mm
Magazine size = 17
Extended magazine size = 25
Capacity = 100
Attachment points = 3
Type = Pistol
Body damage (10 metres)
Level 0 = 22.40
Level 1 = 15.70
Level 2 = 13.40
Level 3 = 10.10
Headshot damage (10 metres)
Level 0 = 44.90
Level 1 = 31.40
Level 2 = 26.90
Level 3 = 20.20
Gallery [ ]
P18C with suppressor, red dot sight and extended quickdraw magazine