"The classic shotgun. This weapon is powerful, but doesn't fire very fast and must be reloaded manually. Close range only. "
― In game description.
Overview [ ]
This weapon is good for closed quarters but one missed shot may spell your death because it's pump action. It tend to shot farther than most people thinks especially with choke.
S1897 has 2 attachment slots: muzzle and stock.
Muzzle [ ]
Choke (Shotgun)
Stock [ ]
Bullet loops (Shotgun)
Expanded Stats [ ]
Hit damage = 24
Initial bullet speed = 360 m/s
Body hit impact power = 5.000
Zero range = 25-25
Time between shots = 0.750s
Firing modes = Single
Shot count = 9
Method = One by one
Duration (Full) = 4.210s
Duration (Single bullet initial) = 0.635s
Duration (Single bullet repeat = 0.715s
Rarity = Common
Shot spread = 5.5
Base = 5.50
Aiming modifier = 0.05
ADS modifier = 0.03
Firing base = 0
Crouch modifier = 0.50
Prone modifier = 0.20
Walk modifier = 2.00
Run modifier = 5.00
Jump modifier = 15.00
Base = 1.50
Base (Aim) = 0.90
Base (ADS) = 0.01
Recoil gain = 1.00
Recoil gain (Aim) = 0.60
Recoil gain (ADS) = 0.01
Max limit = 7.00
Move modifier limit = 0-2
Move velocity reference = 0-400
Crouch modifier = 0.80
Prone modifier = 0.60
Vertical clamp = 0.1-5
Vertical speed = 12.00
Vertical recovery clamp = 6.00
Vertical recovery max = 8.00
Vertical recovery modifier = 0.33
Horizontal speed = 8.00
Horizontal tendency = +0.00
Left max = -1.00
Right max = 1.00
Speed = 60.00
Recovery speed = 6.50
Pattern scale = 1.00
Value climb = 1.00
Value fall = 2.00
Crouch modifier = 0.80
Prone modifier = 0.60
Pitch = 1.00
Yaw offset = 1.00
Movement modifier = 1.50
Crouch modifier = 0.50
Prone modifier = 0.20
Camera DOF
Range = 30.00
Near range = 60.00
Power = 1.00
Pickup delay = 150 ms
Ready delay = 500 ms
Ammo type = 12 Gauge
Magazine size = 5
Capacity = 500
Attachment points = 2
Type = Shotgun
Firing modes = Semi-auto
Body damage (10 metres)
Level 0 = 22.70×9
Level 1 = 15.90×9
Level 2 = 13.60×9
Level 3 = 10.20×9
Headshot damage (10 metres)
Level 0 = 34.10×9
Level 1 = 23.90×9
Level 2 = 20.50×9
Level 3 = 15.30×9
Gallery [ ]