"A common double barrel shotgun. Only holds 2 shots, bet they can be fire in quick succession with high damage. Leaves very little room for error and can inly be used in close range, though. "
― In game description.
Overview [ ]
S686 loses damage in range but choke helps stay on normal level. Has very long reload time what makes dealing with more than one enemy difficult. Missed shot can mean a death. Damage falloff starts after shell leaving barrel. After 285 meters target will not take damage.
S686 has 2 attachment slots: muzzle and stock.
Muzzle [ ]
Choke (Shotgun)
Stock [ ]
Bullet loops
Expanded Stats [ ]
Hit damage = 24
Initial bullet speed = 370 m/s
Body hit impact power = 5.000
Zero range = fixed (50)
Time between shots = 0.200s
Firing modes = Single
Shot count = 9
Method = Magazine
Duration (Full) = 3.000s
Duration (Tactical) = 3.000s
Rarity = Common
Shot spread = 5.5
Base = 5.00
Aiming modifier = 0.10
ADS modifier = 0.75
Firing base = 0
Crouch modifier = 0.50
Prone modifier = 0.20
Walk modifier = 2.00
Run modifier = 5.00
Jump modifier = 15.00
Base = 1.50
Base (Aim) = 0.90
Base (ADS) = 0.01
Recoil gain = 1.00
Recoil gain (Aim) = 0.90
Recoil gain (ADS) = 0.01
Max limit = 7.00
Move modifier limit = 0-2.00
Move velocity reference = 0-400
Crouch modifier = 0.80
Prone modifier = 0.60
Vertical clamp = 0.1-5.00
Vertical speed = 12.00
Vertical recovery clamp = 6.00
Vertical recovery max = 8.00
Vertical recovery modifier = 0.33
Horizontal speed = 8.00
Horizontal tendency = 0.00
Left max = -1.00
Right max = 1.00
Speed = 40.00
Recovery speed = 5.00
Pattern scale = 1.00
Value climb = 1.00
Value fall = 2.00
Crouch modifier = 0.80
Prone modifier = 0.60
Pitch = 1.00
Yaw offset = 1.00
Movement modifier = 1.50
Crouch modifier = 0.50
Prone modifier = 0.20
Camera DOF
Range = 30.00
Near range = 60.00
Power = 1.00
Pickup delay = 150 ms
Ready delay = 500 ms
Ammo type = 12 Gauge
Magazine size = 2
Capacity = 500
Attachment points = 2
Type = Shotgun
Firing modes = Semi-auto
Body damage (10 metres)
Level 0 = 23.10×9
Level 1 = 16.20×9
Level 2 = 13.80×9
Level 3 = 10.40×9
Headshot damage (10 metres)
Level 0 = 34.70×9
Level 1 = 24.30×9
Level 2 = 20.80×9
Level 3 = 15.60×9
Gallery [ ]